During his time as a Ph.D. student in Tübingen, Daniel has been responsible for the actuator system of the large (28 m) H.E.S.S. II telescope, CT5, including maintenance, tests and alignment campaigns, and the corresponding analysis activities. He also prepared and performed all necessary actions concerning the mirror alignment system so that the collaboration can now point CT5 in reverse mode significantly faster to a new source than in traditional slewing modes. This is of great value specifically for GRB observations. Daniel also happily took over the task of monitoring the point spread function of the 12-m telescpoes CT1-4 after the University of Hamburg stepped down from that responsibility. In 2017, Daniel took over the responsibility of leading the effort to exchange all mirrors of CT3 with spare mirrors. This comprised both the on-site hardware as well as the control and analysis software of the alignment system. He furthermore led the maintenance of the mirror test facility, and, in addition, contributed significantly to analysis tasks for the H.E.S.S. I legacy paper on TeV supernova remnant shell candidates.